Sunday, December 24, 2006

Visit Eskimo Town... Cool...... (Dec 24, 2006)

Visit Eskimo Town... Cool...... (Dec 24, 2006)

And I also like to climb......

Visit Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Dec 23, 2006)

Have fun in Hong Kong Zoological and Botanical Gardens (Dec 23, 2006)

Who's calling me? (Dec 19, 2006)

Who's calling me? (Dec 19, 2006)

Monday, December 18, 2006

X'mas Party (Dec 17, 2006)

X'mas Party with my friends (Dec 17, 2006)

"Hi 飛飛, What is your present?" Morgan said

"Hi Morgan, I want yours" 子雄 said

Go Shopping in Langham Place (Dec 16, 2006)

I go Shopping in Langham Place (Dec 16, 2006)

Friday, December 08, 2006

Who makes me angry? (Dec 8, 2006)

Morgan is angry, you see.....

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Little Santa Claus (Dec 2, 2006)

Little Santa Claus is running around......