Saturday, May 26, 2007

Lai Chi Kok Park (May 26, 2007)

go to Lai Chi Kok Park today.

VERY VERY HOT.... I am sweating...

Feel Sick (May 22, 2007)

I feel sick for few days and cannot go to school.
So boring.....

red dots on my tummy

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Fun in Repulse Bay (May 13, 2007)

Have fun with my friends in Repulse Bay today

here is the album

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Happy Mother Day (May 13, 2007)

I love you mum.
My hands were once so tiny.
I needed so much care.
Thank you so much, Mummy.
For always being there!!

Happy Mother Day

Parent-Child Games Day (May 12, 2007)

in To Kwa Wan Sports Centre

we sing and dance.....

we play.....

Monday, May 07, 2007

My Show Time again (May 7, 2007)

My Show Time again (May 7, 2007)

Play with Esther (May 7, 2007)

我的表姐 Esther

My Friend Toby (May 5, 2007)

Here is my friend, Toby, who is three months younger than me.