Thursday, July 26, 2007

Outing with Friends (July 25, 2007)

We play indoor games

I like to climb, like this.....

These are my friends

I like to drive the car

Monday, July 23, 2007

Gathering in RP (July 22, 2007)

I have a gathering with my friends on July 22, 2007.

here is the album

Summer Holiday Starts (July 19, 2007)

We have a party before the summer holiday.
I prepare some food for my classmates.

Here are my classmates

This is my class photo

Thanks very much to Miss Hung and Miss Jill for the gift.

I have done some arts.

Painting on T-shirt

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I am a junior engineer (July 17, 2007)

I make a house and a camera

Watch 1.2.3....

Esther's Birthday Party (July 15, 2007)

I write a birthday card to Esther

There are a lot of people in the party.

Thanks for the cake and the gift

I make an Ice-Cream (July 8, 2007)

I share my ice-cream with my little bear

I like to watch football game (July 8, 2007)