Friday, March 21, 2008

My Favorite Songs (March 21, 2008)

Engine Roll Call
Here is my favorite song

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They're the Really Useful Crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends

Thomas, he's the cheeky one
James is vain but lots of fun
Percy pulls the mail on time
Gordon thunders down the line
Emily really knows her stuff
Henry toots and huffs and puffs
Edward wants to help and share
Toby, well let's say he's square

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They're the Really Useful Crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends

They're two, they're four, they're six, they're eight
Shunting trucks and hauling freight
Red and green and brown and blue
They're the Really Useful Crew
All with different roles to play
Round Tidmouth Sheds or far away
Down the hills and round the bends
Thomas and his friends

Monday, March 17, 2008

My Friends in Toysrus (March 16, 2008)

I meet McQueen, Thomas, Percy, James, Cranky, and Harold

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Visit Shatin Sewage Treatment Works (March 15, 2008)

I see a lot of things today, including machines, horses, and balloons as well.

Play with Esther (March 2, 2008)

I leave the school from February and start the holiday.
Today I play Esther and Grandma with fun.