Sunday, October 26, 2008

fire station open day (oct 26, 2008)

i go to the fanling fire station today with mummy, daddy and grandma.

i can wear the fireman clothes as well, and can take photos with fire engine and fireman.

surely, i can drive the fire engine, just like fireman SAM.

ECLC open day (oct 25, 2008)

my school has open day today. i meet a lot of friends there.

i pretend to be a clown.

then, we have parade with teachers.

let's dance together

Saturday, October 18, 2008

InnoCarnival at Science park(oct 18, 2008)

i go to the Science Park today because there is an InnoCarnival.
The Park is so big.

this robot can use wind; or solar; or water as the source of energy.

i like car racing.

i like this machine also.

this robot can play football. great..

football game

another robots

this robot can pick up the blocks and put into the assigned place.
and can pick up the block from my hands as well.

see. i am a superman.

book reading (oct 14, 2008)


